Publication Frequency
The Journal of Cross-cultural Communication and Media is triannual; it publishes 3 issues per year. Jan-Apr, May-August and Sept-December.
Continuous call for submissions: The journal upholds a policy of continuous call for submissions. Our commitment to a continuous call for submissions reflects our dedication to remaining an inclusive and dynamic platform for the dissemination of innovative research and the facilitation of academic dialogue throughout the year.
Authors can submit their manuscripts knowing that they will receive prompt consideration from our editorial team, who will rigorously evaluate each submission based on its scholarly merit, relevance to our journal's scope, and adherence to ethical standards. Additionally, authors will be provided with updates on the status of their submissions throughout the review process.
Special Issues: The journal publishes special issues dedicated to specific themes or topics of particular relevance or significance within the fields of cross-cultural communication, media studies, and their intersections within the social sciences. These themed editions offer authors the opportunity to contribute within a more focused and structured context.